CBC Marketplace Spreads Lie of Chinese Genocide Please Rate Vote 1 Vote 2 Vote 3 Vote 4 Vote 5 Daniel Dumbrill report on CBC genocide lies Anyone who earnestly looks into american allegations of genocide in Xingang, China comes away knowing that the charges are hysterical and exaggerated beyond belief. But we never hear or see evidence provided by China or even westerners with firsthand experience. Daniel Dumbrill, a Canadian business owner living in Shanghai, has researched and debunked the bogus genocide claims. Nevertheless, ignoring and mischaracterizing his evidence, CBC journalists regurgitated the american genocide propaganda and smeared China gratuitously. As a former CBC staffer, I raised the issue amongst fellow journalists in the Facebook CBC Employees group. One response shook me out of any romantic notion that journalists really care about truth or justice. I was told "In my experience, having worked in journalism for both private enterprise and government, objective journalism is a myth. Everyone has an angle. When working for govrernment, you must remember policy and when working for the private sector you must remember what sells." It's not simply a matter of lying to please the boss; it's a matter of being predisposed to avoiding the cognitive dissonnance of contrary evidence. In other words, there is groupthink in Canada's newsrooms aka pack journalism. As Upton Sinclair said a hundred years ago, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Here is video from Daniel Dumbrill with his story of being shafted by the CBC's lazy and dishonest reporting.